Spam and Phishing


Targeted attacks: businesses under threat

As the subject of targeted attacks remains one of the industry’s most hotly discussed topics, and the waves of such attacks appear to be relentless, our experts, Kostin and Magnus, together with the team, decided to continue on with the theme.


Gumblagra and a piano

Since the beginning of August, our Japan office noticed around 900+ mails of a certain kind in their spam traps.
We noticed two common patterns in all of the mail. First, the links in these spammed messages all point to compromised servers. Also, the file names of the redirectors are all dictionary words followed by two digits.


Whitelisting – how it protects us

Malware writers are inventing new attacks regularly – but the anti-virus industry invents new protection techniques just as regularly. Whitelisting is on of the newer protection technology which are now standard in Internet Security products.


Hot Fail On SexBoosters

Over the last couple of days we’ve been noticing a few pharmacy spam mails which are a bit different. Somebody seems to have replaced the original graphical content with an alert highlighting that such messages are malicious.


Spammers hacked pool

In recent spam mails we have often noticed links to *.html files with random names. Another trend is that the cybercriminals do not even bother to register domains for their dirty deeds but simply plant their malicious code on compromised hosts. “Simply?” one may ask and sadly the answer seems to be “yes” based on our observations.

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