Mobile threats

Malware reports

IT threat evolution Q3 2017

Our growing dependence on technology, connectivity and data means that businesses present a bigger attack surface than ever. Targeted attackers have become more adept at exploiting their victims’ vulnerabilities to penetrate corporate defences while ‘flying under the radar’.

APT reports

Gaza Cybergang – updated activity in 2017:

Gaza cybergang is an Arabic politically motivated cyber criminal group, operating since 2012 and is actively targeting the MENA (Middle East North Africa) region. Gaza cybergang attacks have never slowed down, recent targets by the group does seem to be varied in nature, attackers do not seem to be selectively choosing targets, but rather seeking different kinds of MENA intelligence.


WAP-billing Trojan-Clickers on rise

During the preparation of the “IT threat evolution Q2 2017” report I found several common Trojans that were stealing money from users using WAP-billing. We hadn’t seen any Trojans like this in a while, but several of them appeared out of nowhere.

Malware reports

IT threat evolution Q2 2017

The threat from ransomware continues to grow. Between April 2016 and March 2017, we blocked ransomware on the computers of 2,581,026 Kaspersky Lab customers. In May, we saw the biggest ransomware epidemic in history, called WannaCry.

Malware descriptions

A new era in mobile banking Trojans

In mid-July 2017, we found a new modification of the well-known mobile banking malware family Svpeng – In this modification, the cybercriminals have added new functionality: it now also works as a keylogger, stealing entered text through the use of accessibility services.

Malware descriptions

Ztorg: from rooting to SMS

All of Ztorg Trojans were rooting malware that used exploits to gain root rights on the infected device. In May 2017, a new Ztorg variant appeared on the Google Play Store – only this this time it wasn’t a rooting malware but a Trojan-SMS.

Malware reports

IT threat evolution Q1 2017

We’ve become accustomed to seeing a steady stream of security breaches month after month; and this quarter has been no exception, including attacks on Barts Health Trust, Sports Direct, Intercontinental Hotels Group and ABTA.


Expensive free apps

Fraudulent apps trying to send Premium SMS messages or trying to call to high rate phone numbers are not something new. It is much more interesting to talk about how certain groups bypass detection mechanisms such as those used by Google Play.

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