
Autumn leaves

Today is the last day of the ISSE/Secure 2007 conference, which is taking place in the beautiful city of Warsaw. I gave the keynote speech at ISSE, along with Steve Lipner from Microsoft. My presentation was about the transition from viruses to malware and the rise of cybercrime, showing some of the latest tricks used by malware authors with a focus on the Zlob and Zhelatin worms.

Last week was busy as well. We attended the Virus Bulletin Conference in Vienna where Roel gave a talk on a particular variant of Banker, a family of trojans designed to steal your bank account details in a very crafty way.

While we were away, the malware activity was restricted to the usual stream of Mytob, Banload, Banker trojans and Pinch variants. The Zhelatin gang seems to have stopped their activity for a bit – they’re probably preparing a new wave of attacks.

And over here in Romania, the academic year is starting in a couple of days so we’re enjoying a few days of calm, before the ‘Storm’.

Autumn leaves

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