Spam and Phishing

Spam and phishing

Would You Like Some Zeus With Your Coffee?

Cybercriminals often like to use a bogus letter to trick people into opening malicious attachments. There are two tricks that make this work: a message from a familiar name (a bank, social network, service provider or other organization that might interest the recipient) and an intriguing or alarming subject. An attack based on fake messages

Spam and phishing

The Omnipresent Dad

Many websites show different text depending on where the user lives. For instance, home pages of some portals show you the news and weather of your region by default, because you are most likely to be interested in this kind of information first of all. Of course, spammers and fraudsters also make use of this

Kaspersky Security Bulletin

Financial cyber threats in 2013. Part 2: malware

PDF Version  Financial cyber threats in 2013. Part 1: phishing Financial cyber threats in 2013. Part 2: malware Main findings According to the information collected from the protection sub-systems of Kaspersky Lab products, 2013 saw a dramatic increase in the number of finance-related attacks, be it phishing or attacks involving malware. Below are the main

Spam and phishing

Mystery Shopper: Beware of Frauds

Offers to work as a mystery shopper are a common trick used by fraudsters. They give you a chance to work in your free time, and if you agree, they send you a fake check with a huge sum of money, which is supposed to compensate the costs of goods and research. Any remaining money


A ‘gift’ for Apple’s Valued Customers

In January we detected a phishing mailing that was sent on behalf of Apple. The messages contained an offer to purchase a card giving a discount of 150 euros in any European AppStore for only 9 euros. The senders also underlined that only valued customers were eligible to receive the card. To place an order


Are You Sure You Want to Unsubscribe From our Mailings?

Spammers are relentless in their attempts to bypass anti-spam filters and confuse recipients of spam. Recently we detected a mass mailing disguised as an automated reply to a request to unsubscribe from a news blog. The authors noted their regret at losing one of their subscribers and asked if the user really wanted to unsubscribe.

Spam and phishing

Your Facebook Account Has Won a Prize!

There are plenty of fraudulent messages with the content along the lines of “your email address won a million dollars in a lottery, please contact us to claim your prize”. Internet scammers use this trick to trick users into giving away money: before they can claim their alleged prize the “lucky winners” have to pay


Virtual Bitcoins vs Hard Cash

The festive season with its gifts, decorations and costumes can easily put a dent in your finances. No wonder then that after the holidays spam started appearing with suggestions on how to make some money. And increasingly spammers are using bitcoins – a cryptocurrency – as the bait. For instance, bitcoins can be earned in


The World Cup: Spammers Set Their Sights on Goal

2014 sees two huge sporting events taking place: the football World Cup in Brazil and the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi. In November we mentioned a mailing exploiting the World Cup – the fraudsters disguising their scam as a lottery. In January the number of these kinds of mailings increased. The stories used in the

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