Potentially Unwanted Applications


Zcash, or the return of malicious miners

On 28 October, the cryptocurrency world saw the emergence of a new player, the Zcash (ZEC) cryptocurrency. Its developers have described it rather figuratively: “If Bitcoin is like HTTP for money, Zcash is HTTPS.” They continue by noting that “unlike Bitcoin, Zcash transactions can be shielded to hide the sender, the recipient and value of all transactions.”


Ad Plus instead of AdBlock Plus

This is one of those scenarios where the user looks for protection but only finds problems.  Sergio de los Santos, a friend of mine, has shared with me a link to a false App that pretends to be AdBlock Plus, the well-known and useful application that many users have in their web browsers. At the time


Pirate episodes scam

TV Series such as “The Simpsons” are hugely popular and have hundreds of thousands of fans around the world. As such, there is a high demand on the web for such episodes and as usually happens, scam tactics appear around them.

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