
Patch Tuesday July 2011

Discussion of this month’s patch Tuesday is overshadowed by the massive releases from spearphishing, web and SQLi attacks reported in the media. Four bulletins are being released to address 22 CVE records, or sets of vulnerabilities.

Two of the vulnerabilies immediately enabling remote code execution is the Bluetooth related vuln, however unreliable attacking it may be, and a Visio vuln. A set of vulnerabilities in the CSRSS leading to elevation of privilege and a long set of win32k flaws are impacted.

Microsoft prioritizes deployment of the Bluetooth patch on Vista and Windows 7 client platforms highest. Servers should not be effected. I suppose that in close working environments, it could potentially enable a worm. But the likelihood of another Cabir is low. High value targeted attacks seem to be more of a risk.

The Visio vulnerability was publicly known and PoC released since at least August of last year. Some of our generic detections most likely would have prevented exploitation of this vuln. We are researching for any evidence of related exploitation and will update accordingly.

If you see any problems from the kernel level patches, please comment below, I am interested. Win32k modifications have caused users problems in the past. Cheers to problem free patching!

Patch Tuesday July 2011

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