
Our latest updates

It looks as though people have heard about our latest updates -1400 signatures and about 25 new unpackers added in one week – and are hurrying to get their hands on our software.

Here are some statistics so you can see how our updates have evolved:

Year Records added per day Total records in database
1998 15 05.01 – 20172
1999 18 20.01 – 25733
2000 26 07.01 – 32572
2001 25 05.01 – 42233
2002 15 01.01 – 51495
2003 53 01.01 – 63082
2004 87 01.01 – 82515
2005 138
approx. 200 this week
01.01 – 114506
21.10 – 155372

Our latest updates

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APT trends report Q1 2024

The report features the most significant developments relating to APT groups in Q1 2024, including the new malware campaigns DuneQuixote and Durian, and hacktivist activity.

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