Spam and Phishing


Webcast – The Good and Bad of Android Security

In this episode of Lab Matters, Kaspesky Lab malware researcher Tim Armstrong joins Ryan Naraine to examine the security posture of the Android mobile operating system. Armstrong looks at strengths and weaknesses of the open-source platform and warns about the risks associated with jailbreaking/rooting Android devices.


Mistyping leads to infections!

Cybercriminals like to register domain names that are very similar to actual, well known domain names but with one or more letters changed. In many cases a potential victim will mistype a letter and in this way arrives at a fake Web site instead of the original one.


Twitter, Leaks and Spam

It’s quite common to see attackers use hot topics on social networks to force users to click on malicious links. So what would be more interesting these days than using the term “Wikileaks”?

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