Spam and Phishing


Is digital marketing the new spam?

What a week for being in Boston! I was heading to Source Conference the very same day the blast happened. It-s hard to describe all the intense emotions when I arrived. As president Obama said today to the city of Boston: ?You will run again¦. All my best to you guys, stay strong. In my


Boston Aftermath

While many are still in shock after the Boston Marathon bombings on 16 April, it didn’t take long for cyber criminals to abuse that tragic incident for their dirty deeds.
Today we already started receiving emails containing links to malicious locations with names like “news.html”.

Spam and phishing

Absent-minded Spammers

A large number of scam emails disguised as newsletters sent by the CNN television channel have been detected again. Sensational headlines are used in the messages to grab the attention of recipients (e.g., falling stock indexes, the election of a new Pope etc.). Users are asked to click on the links provided in the messages


Skypemageddon by Bitcoining

Right after I published my previous post about malware ongoing campaign on Skype, a mate from Venezuela sent me a screenshot of her Skype client with a similar campaign in terms or propagation but different in origins and purposes.

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