Financial threats

Malware reports

Bots and botnets in 2018

Due to the wide media coverage botnets activities have become largely associated with DDoS attacks. Yet this is merely the tip of the iceberg, and botnets are used widely not only to carry out DDoS attacks, but to steal various user information.


Financial Cyberthreats in 2018

The presented report continues the series of Kaspersky Lab reports that provide an overview of how the financial threat landscape has evolved over the years. It covers the common phishing threats that users encounter, along with Windows-based and Android-based financial malware.


Razy in search of cryptocurrency

Last year, we discovered malware that installs a malicious browser extension on its victim’s computer or infects an already installed extension. To do so, it disables the integrity check for installed extensions and automatic updates for the targeted browser. Kaspersky Lab products detect the malicious program as Trojan.Win32.Razy.gen.


KoffeyMaker: notebook vs. ATM

Kaspersky Lab’ experts investigated one such toolkit, dubbed KoffeyMaker, in 2017-2018, when a number of Eastern European banks turned to us for assistance after their ATMs were quickly and almost freely raided. It soon became clear that we were dealing with a black box attack.

Kaspersky Security Bulletin

Cryptocurrency threat predictions for 2019

In the second half of 2018, the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry faced a major development: falling prices for cryptocurrencies. The impact was felt across the landscape, with rapid decline in public interest, the activity of the crypto community and traders, and in the related activity of cybercriminals. While this will certainly affect our forecasts for 2019, let’s see how the forecasts we made for this year worked out.


Black Friday alert

According to our data, 14 malware families are targeting e-commerce brands to steal from victims. They are all banking Trojans. Detections of their e-commerce-related activity has increased steadily over the last few years, from 6.6 million in 2015 to an estimated 12.3 million by the end of 2018.

Malware reports

IT threat evolution Q3 2018. Statistics

These statistics are based on detection verdicts of Kaspersky Lab products received from users who consented to provide statistical data. Q3 figures According to Kaspersky Security Network: Kaspersky Lab solutions blocked 947,027,517 attacks launched from online resources located in 203 countries. 246,695,333 unique URLs were recognized as malicious by Web Anti-Virus components. Attempted infections by

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