
Moscow bombings lead to Twitter malware ‘bombings’

Yesterday it was the Haiti Earthquake, Alberto Gonzalez or any other trendy topic and today cyber criminals are using the Moscow bombing. The aim is the same – to infect as more people as it’s possible.

The criminals base their targets on the trend topics. Right now Twitter has the next topics as the most looked for by people:

Justin Bieber
I ♥

Today the most exploited topic to infect people is ‘Moscow’. Please, be careful since the criminals have a lot of automatically created fake Twitter profiles spreading fake news about this subject and leading to malware:

The bad news seems like the criminals are having success. I checked some of malicious Twitter profiles and found they already have legitimate followers. That means that people/users didn’t suspect the news was fake and probably got infected.

This is an example of a malicious Twitter criminals profiles having 14 legitimate not malicious followers:

Please, be careful. Don’t click in all and any clicks, specially when it’s a Trend Topic. There is a high probability of getting infected.

Kaspersky Ant-Virus detects the threat by our proactive technologies as PDM.Trojan.Generic The overall VirusTotal detection of that particular malicious samples is 9/42 (21.43%)

Moscow bombings lead to Twitter malware ‘bombings’

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