
Mobile Forensics World 2015

A little discussed but well-attended dual-lineup conference on forensics and investigations started today in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina as “Mobile Forensics World” and the “Techno Security and Forensics Investigations Conference”. Presentation content here mostly focuses on technologies used in fighting cybercrime malware and the general misuse of mobile and computing power for serious criminal activities. Some of the talks focused on the new complexities and challenges in working with ubiquitous SSD storage technologies. One of the notable talks on SSD was from our colleagues at Belkasoft, developers of a set of reliable and effective memory dump and analysis tools. We met some of Yuri Gubanov‘s squirrels that help drive much of their tool development (a “belka” is a squirrel).


Other talks and vendors today brought to light problems and solutions for dealing with Tor, remote system access, data wiping tools, forensically acquired drives that require startup, iPhone and Android encryption and lockout technologies, and others that require examination. Upcoming talks provide discussion around audit strategies and methods, investigation and forensic tools, and more.

Mobile Forensics World 2015

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