
Malvertising on ImageShack

Today while conducting research on the alleged Latvian power hack, I came across some interesting malvertising on imageshack, where pictures of the purported hack have been hosted.

Advertising on the page loads a exploitable Java vulnerability that Kaspersky recognizes as Exploit.HTML.CVE.2010-4452.m, which then tries to download Trojan.win32.TDSS.cgir. TDSS as some of you may recognize is a rootkit that can access Windows at its lowest levels and can prove extremely difficult to remove.

Upon opening the page, the advertisement loads, and a connection to http://–removed– is made. This launches the actual exploit. A second page http://–removed– is loaded which drops the Trojan containing the TDSS malware.

Kaspersky already detects both the exploit, as well as the Trojan payload. This serves as a reminder of the importance of keeping your Anti-virus up to date.

We will update with further details as they become available.

Malvertising on ImageShack

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