Dare to submit your research proposal before December 1, 2016 to dive into undiscovered and uncharted cybercrimes, hacks, espionage and much more at the Security Analyst Summit – April 2-6, 2017 on the Caribbean island of St. Maarten.
There are four months left before Kaspersky Lab’s Security Analyst Summit on the Caribbean Island of St Maarten, an invitation-only conference. If you still haven’t submitted your individual proposal, you’d better hurry up. There’s only one week left before the SAS17 program committee will start evaluating the abstracts. The summit will welcome those with new studies and tools, vulnerability reports, creative ideas, concepts or their results; insights into nation state cyber-espionage and government surveillance; research into attacks against financial institutions and critical infrastructure; mobile systems the IoT cyber risk landscape observations.
You’ll join the leading voices in the IT security industry – the chosen few – for knowledge and information sharing: senior executives from business organizations, global law enforcement agencies and CERTs, independent researchers and journalists. Previous events were joined by members of leading global companies, such as Samsung, Adobe, Microsoft, BlackBerry, CISCO, Boeing, Interpol, the World Bank, Team Cymru, The ShadowServer Foundation, ICSA Labs and Fidelis Cybersecurity Solutions. And every year SAS proves that IT security has no borders.
Requirements for submissions:
- Individual proposals should be no more than 350 words in length. SAS has a ground rule: nobody gets to speak from the stage for more than 30 minutes — this is the longest duration allowed for a keynote presentation — while everyone else gets 20 minutes maximum.
- Proposals should include the title of the paper and should clearly spell out the focus and goal of the presentation.
- The deadline for submissions is December 1, 2016.
You can send your abstract directly to sasCFP@kaspersky.com. The Program committee consists of six independent members, who evaluate the papers separately. They are Kaspersky Lab and external experts who share the SAS core value: uncompromising research. Have you been good this year? Santa The program committee will check soon.
Submit your abstract, find SPF20+ sunscreen, join the SAS family, follow @TheSAScon and see how much fun it is — SAS2014, SAS2015 and SAS2016!
Caribbean scuba diving with IT-security in mind