Developing a global presence – that’s far from an easy job. Traveling to different time zones, hopping from city to city, from hotel to hotel – although this might sound fund, it’s not relaxing. But from another point of view, it’s what has to be done to develop the company: listen to other’s points of view, present our position, educate users and develop markets. And on a personal note, it is interesting to have the opportunity to visit so many new places, meet so many new people and hear so many new accents.
Last week we started our trip over the East Cost with four presentations in Boston, and more than 150 people from the local IT industry attending. Right now I’m in the plane with others – Steve, Randy, Chris, John, Jennifer, Shannon and Darcie, enjoying the life 32000 feet above the ground. And with several cities behind us there are also several ahead of us.
If any of you want to drop in – we’ll be in Mexico soon!
Back on the road again