Web threats


Threats to users of adult websites in 2018

We examined malware disguised as pornographic content, and malware that hunts for credentials to access pornography websites. We looked at the threats that are attacking users across the internet in order to find out which popular websites might be dangerous to visit. Additionally, we checked our phishing and spam database to see if there is a lot of pornographic content on file and how is it used in the wild.


Razy in search of cryptocurrency

Last year, we discovered malware that installs a malicious browser extension on its victim’s computer or infects an already installed extension. To do so, it disables the integrity check for installed extensions and automatic updates for the targeted browser. Kaspersky Lab products detect the malicious program as Trojan.Win32.Razy.gen.

Malware reports

IT threat evolution Q3 2018. Statistics

These statistics are based on detection verdicts of Kaspersky Lab products received from users who consented to provide statistical data. Q3 figures According to Kaspersky Security Network: Kaspersky Lab solutions blocked 947,027,517 attacks launched from online resources located in 203 countries. 246,695,333 unique URLs were recognized as malicious by Web Anti-Virus components. Attempted infections by

DDoS reports

DDoS attacks in Q4 2017

Q4 2017 represented something of a lull: both the number and duration of DDoS attacks were down against the previous quarter. At the same time, the increase in the number of attacks on honeypot traps in the runup to holiday sales indicates that cybercriminals are keen to expand their botnets at the most opportune moment by pressuring owners of online resources and preventing them from making a profit.

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