At Virus Bulletin 2011, we presented on the exploding level of delivered Java exploits this year with “Firing the roast – Java is heating up again”. We examined CVE-2010-0840 exploitation in detail, along with variants of its most common implementation on the web and some tools and tips for analysis. Microsoft’s security team presented findings for 2011 that mirrored ours in relation to Java exploit prevalence on the web – it is #1! At the same time, it is striking that it has been very uncommon to see Java backdoors, Trojans and spyware. But that lack of Java malware variety is beginning to change. At the same time, aside from the recent, well-known BEAST Java implementation, it is striking that it has been very uncommon to see Java backdoors, bots, Trojans and spyware. But that lack of Java malware variety is beginning to change. My colleague Roman Unucheck identified a new Java bot with some interesting characteristics that we named “Backdoor.Java.Racac”.