Spam and Phishing

Spam and phishing reports

Spam in Q3 2013

The quarter in figures The percentage of spam in total email traffic decreased by 2.4 percentage points from the second quarter of 2013 and came to 68.3%. The percentage of phishing emails grew threefold and accounted for 0.0071%. Malicious attachments were detected in 3.9% of all emails – 1.6 percentage points more than in Q2

Spam and phishing reports

Spam in September 2013

Spam in the spotlight After the September cold snap we recorded a lot of mass mailings about offers to cut heating bills and keep homes warm. They often appeared in both Russian and English-language spam. A large proportion of September mass mailings offered auto insurance services and adverts for printing services, particularly calendars for 2014.


Mule Flood in Japan

Money mule recruitment emails are nothing new, for years these have been spammed out all over the globe. What is new though is the recent wave aimed at “English-speaking Japanese residents”. It started at the end of July and we have received hundreds of such themed spam emails since then. The content typically promises an


Beware of Scammers’ Crocodile Tears!

Having realized that users are getting wise to their scams involving unclaimed inheritances of multi-millionaire African princes, so-called Nigerian scammers have resorted to other outlandish stories from their arsenal of social engineering. We recently caught a few messages in our traps that suggest the scammers are not only unscrupulous and greedy but also engage in

Spam and phishing

Redirects in spam

We will look at the most popular spammer tricks that use redirects in one way or another, the most common and widely used types of redirect, as well as the distinguishing features and subjects of spam messages containing redirects.

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