Spam and Phishing


Spammy Facebook friends from the neighborhood

Recently I stumbled upon some spam-ads on Facebook, which didn’t look very unusual at first glance. It’s common for spammers to rely on social engineering techniques. They typically creating fake profiles, joining random open (or closed) groups and share links to shady e-commerce sites or survey-scams – always with catchy claims to lure the readers

Spam and phishing reports

Spam in June 2014

In June, high-profile news events such as the FIFA World Cup and the situation in Ukraine were exploited by fraudsters to extract money and financial information from users. The holiday season has brought an increase in the number of fake notifications from various booking services containing malicious attachments.


New gTLDs, same attacks

Cybercriminals around the world have already started to point their guns and attacks at the new gTLDs, the ‘generic Top Level Domains’ approved by ICANN and offered by registrars to people interested in buying a new domain name. Recently we found malicious activities including malware and phishing pages registered in the top level domains .club,


Scammer of a Lonely Heart

It’s time for a risqué subject: looking for love on the internet. With a myriad services promising chemistry-driven matches, dating game contestants have flocked to web services and apps. Despite this proliferation of new avenues, those in a particular rush to find company (in the form of ‘No Strings Attached’ encounters) have turned to a

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