APT (Targeted attacks)

APT reports

APT trends report Q1 2019

This is our latest summary of APT activity, based on our threat intelligence research and provide a representative snapshot of what we have published and discussed in greater detail in our private APT reports. It aims to highlight the significant events and findings that we feel people should be aware of.

APT reports

Operation ShadowHammer

Operation ShadowHammer is a newly discovered supply chain attack that leveraged ASUS Live Update software. While the investigation is still in progress and full results and technical paper will be published during SAS 2019 conference in Singapore, we would like to share some important details about the attack.

APT reports

A Zebrocy Go Downloader

The Sofacy subset we identify as “Zebrocy” continues to target Central Asian government related organizations, both in-country and remote locations, along with a new middle eastern diplomatic target. And, as predicted, they continue to build out their malware set with a variety of scripts and managed code.

APT reports

APT review of the year

What were the most interesting developments in terms of APT activity throughout the year and what can we learn from them? Not an easy question to answer. Still, with the benefit of hindsight, let’s try to approach the problem from different angles to get a better understanding of what went on.

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