I took a closer look at yesterday’s spammed Banker. I was very interested to find out if it could beat ABN-AMRO’s two-factor authentication. Fortunately, the answer is no.
This Banker variant has two main payloads: it accesses PStore to harvest passwords, and captures all information submitted via web forms.
Banker.cmb watches for traffic relating to citibank(.de) and bankofamerica. So it’s kind of strange that this malware was sent to Dutch ABN-AMRO users. I would guess the cyber criminals are aiming to get any passwords they can, and see citibank and bankofamerica data as a bonus. Additionally, they may be using the same sample in different regions of the world and were simply too lazy to take the citibank and bankofamerica code out.
Finally, antivirus vendors have been criticized in some circles for not having detection for this banker variant at the time of seeding. Unfortunately, this is the way it goes these days. Cyber criminals try and make sure that no antivirus detects their malware before they send it out. I’m happy to be able to confirm that the Proactive Defense Module in KAV/KIS 6.0 was able to detect this sample as Trojan.Generic.
Update: The original post referred to Banker.cmp. This was a typo. The malware referred to is Trojan-Spy.Win32.Banker.cmb. Our apologies.
More info on Banker.cmb