Malware reports

Malware Miscellany, November 2008

  • Greediest Trojan targeting banks targets the users of 20 banking systems (a relatively low number when compared to previous winners of this category.)

  • Greediest Trojan targeting payment systems and payment cards
    Trojan.Win32.Obfuscated.gen wins both categories in November by targeting 4 payments systems and 3 payment card systems simultaneously.

  • Stealthiest malicious program
    Trojan-PSW.Win32.LdPinch.beo is packed with 9 different utilities.

  • Smallest malicious program
    The 22 bytes of Trojan.BAT.Shutdown.g enable it to automatically launched and then force the victim machine into constantly rebooting.

  • Largest malicious program
    Trojan-Banker.Win32.Banker.kum is 19MБ in size, which is very small in comparison with previous winners of this category.

  • Most widespread malicious code which exploits a vulnerability
    Exploit.JS.RealPlr.nn made up more than 8% of all malicious content in December.

  • Most common malicious program on the Internet
    Trojan-Downloader.JS.Iframe.yv was responsible for 4% of all malicious content detected on the web during November 2008.

  • Most common Trojan program
    There were 1723 new modifications of Trojan.Win32.Agent this month.

  • Most common virus/ worm family
    Again, Worm.Win32.AutoRun wins this category, but with only 337 new modifications – a significant increase on October’s 75 new modifications.

Malware Miscellany, November 2008

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