Malware reports

Malware Miscellany, December 2008

  • Greediest Trojan targeting banks wins this category, by redirecting clients of 39 different banks to phishing sites.

  • Greediest Trojan targeting payment systems and payment cards
    Just like last month, a single piece of malware comes out top in these two categories. This time, it’s Trojan.Win32.Agent.eii, which targets users of three payment systems and 4 payment cards simultaneously.

  • Stealthiest malicious program
    Trojan-PSW.Win32.LdPinch.auv is packed with 10 different packers.

  • Smallest malicious program
    Trojan.BAT.Shutdown.g is a mere 20 bytes, but it’s still able to reboot the infected computer in spite of its minute size.

  • Largest malicious program
    Trojan-Banker.Win32.Banbra.bby is 27 MB in size.

  • Most common malicious code which exploits a vulnerability
    In December, exploits for an SWF vulnerability made up 12% of all malicious content.

  • Most common malicious code on the Internet accounted for nearly 8% of all malicious traffic this month.

  • Most common Trojan family
    1499 previously unknown modifications make Backdoor.Win32.Hupigon the winner of this category in December.

  • Most common virus/ worm family
    Worm.Win32.AutoRun came up with 312 new modifications this month, putting it at the top of this class.

Malware Miscellany, December 2008

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