

SAS, sweet SAS

As you may already know, we have rescheduled the SAS 2020 conference for November 18-21. However, we cannot just leave it all until November, that’s why we invite you to SAS at Home, a series of webinars scheduled to kick off very soon, on the 28th-30th of April.


YARA webinar follow up

If you read my previous blogpost, “Hunting APTs with YARA” then you probably know about the webinar we’ve done on March 31, 2020, After it we received a number of interesting questions and as I promised, I will try to answer them below.


Hunting APTs with YARA

If you have wondered how to leverage YARA better and how to achieve a new level of knowledge in APT detection, mitigation and response, we can help a bit with a preview of the secret ingredients.


First Annual Cyberwarcon

Cyberwarcon is a brand new event organized yesterday in Arlington, Virginia, and delivered eight hours of fantastic content. The list of speakers was diverse in their interests, from big data visualization technologies and analysis of social media misinformation campaigns, to incidents of Russian speaking APT in the US electrical grid.


BSides Denver 2017

Everyone loves a decent security conference, and BSides Denver provides one with space to breathe. Folks in sunny Colorado looking for a fine local gathering found talks on advanced social engineering, APT herding, securing smart cities and more.


How Security Products are Tested – Part 1

The demand for tests appeared almost simultaneously with the development of the first antivirus programs. Demand created supply: test labs at computer magazines started to measure the effectiveness of security solutions, and later an industry of specialized companies emerged with a more comprehensive approach to testing methods.


Notes from HITCON Pacific 2016

Hacks in Taiwan Conference (HITCON) Pacific 2016 was held in Taipei city, Taiwan from the 27th of November to the 3rd of December this year. The concept of this event is about “The Fifth Domain: Cyber | Homeland Security”.

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