
The one that didn’t get away

This week the Anti-Virus Testing Workshop is taking place in Reykjavik. When I arrived in Iceland one of the first things I did was to turn on my mobile phone. Up until now, I’ve never had any strange Bluetooth connection requests at an airport, but while waiting for my luggage this changed.

Of course, I accepted the file and was greeted with a pop up from KAV Mobile saying that the file contained Worm.SymbOS.Comwar.c. Although this happened in Iceland I suspect the worm may have come from someone who was on the same plane as me. However, I can’t be sure, and there’s no way of proving this.

I shared news of the worm with some other AV guys who are here. And that’s exactly what it was to them, news. Just goes to show that mobile malware is still something of a novelty even in AV researcher circles.

The one that didn’t get away

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