Malware descriptions

New Bank Trojans

Over the last couple of days there’s been quite a lot of talk about a Trojan + rootkit called Hearse.

We detect this malware as It’s a developed version of Trojan-Spy.Win32.Goldun.hp, which also has the rootkit on board.

Here’s a screenshot of KAV6, which is currently in Release Candidate status, detecting the active components.

While it has gained considerable media attention, such pieces of malware are quite common and unfortunately part of the everyday malware landscape.

On a related note:

A couple of days ago we came across a Bancos variant,, which is able to intercept HTTPS traffic.

It targets two German banks, Postbank and Deutsche Bank.

The number of Trojans which is able to do this is still low, but there’s no doubt that we are going to see more of these.

I’m personally very wary of this type of malware evolution – it could well end up making the (home user) tokens currently used to secure online banking useless.

New Bank Trojans

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