
Get Safe Online

Today marks the launch in the UK of the ‘Get Safe Online’ campaign. This campaign, a joint initiative between UK government, the National Hi-Tech Crime Unit and private companies from the world of technology, retail and finance, is designed to raise public awareness about online safety.

The centrepiece of the campaign is the new Get Safe Online web site, full of useful advice for consumers and small businesses on how to protect against Internet threats.

We at Kaspersky Lab heartily support this initiative, since user education is a key element in computer security. Here are some of our pointers for safe computing.

General advice:

  • Install & update anti-virus software.
  • Install a personal firewall, i.e. firewall software installed locally.
  • Backup, backup, backup!
  • Apply operating system & application patches.
  • Use plain text e-mail instead of HTML.
  • Strip executable attachments at the Internet gateway or, for home users, beware of anything attached to an e-mail.
  • Use passwords … but not obvious ones.
  • Don’t reply to spam e-mail … and don’t use ‘Unsubscribe’ links.

Advice for online transactions.

  • Don’t divulge passwords, PINs, etc.
  • Don’t fill out e-mail forms.
  • Don’t click on e-mail links.
  • Look for the padlock symbol in the browser status bar.
  • Check bank accounts regularly and report anything suspicious.

Get Safe Online

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APT trends report Q1 2024

The report features the most significant developments relating to APT groups in Q1 2024, including the new malware campaigns DuneQuixote and Durian, and hacktivist activity.

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