Farewell floppy disks?
Hurry if you want to buy floppy disks from PC World! It seems that this UK retailer will not be stocking floppy disks once their current supplies run out.
Kaspersky researchers analyze EAGERBEE backdoor modules, revealing a possible connection to the CoughingDown APT actor.
While investigating an incident involving the BellaCiao .NET malware, Kaspersky researchers discovered a C++ version they dubbed “BellaCPP”.
Lazarus targets employees of a nuclear-related organization with a bunch of malware, such as MISTPEN, LPEClient, RollMid, CookieTime and a new modular backdoor CookiePlus.
Kaspersky researchers analyze 2019, 2022 and 2024 attacks attributed to Careto APT with medium to high confidence.