

It seems that a bunch of guys at the Free University of Amsterdam have been looking at RFID [Radio Frequency IDentification] tags, small devices that can be used to tag products (or anything else). According to several reports these researchers believe that these tags are susceptible to attack from viruses.

Unfortunately, they don’t just ‘believe’ this to be the case. It’s reported that they have created proof-of-concept code designed to demonstrate that the threat is more than just a theoretical one.

According to one report ( the researchers ‘plan to make the RFID “malware” publicly available in the hope of convincing the industry that the problem is serious.’

Research into potential threats is a good thing. But I work for an antivirus company. I can’t agree with making making malicious code, proof of concept or otherwise, publicily available. Because sooner or later, the code will inevitably end up in the wrong hands.


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