Malware reports

Virus Top Twenty – February 2002

Kaspersky Lab presents the Virus Top for February 2002. In order to read about each virus in detail, simply click on the respective virus’ name. Also, to view the previous Top Twenty from January 2002, just click here.

Position Virus Percentage by occurrence
1 I-Worm.Klez
2 I-Worm.BadtransII 28.5%
3 I-Worm.Sircam 1.5%
4 I-Worm.Hybris 1.4%
5 I-Worm.Aliz 1.2%
6 I-Worm.Magistr 0.7%
7 CodeRed 0.6%
8 Macro.Word97.Thus 0.4%
9 I-Worm.Petik 0.4%
10 Backdoor.Death
11 I-Worm.Nimda
12 I-Worm.Anset
13 I-Worm.Myparty
14 I-Worm.GOPworm 0.1%
15 Trojan.PSW.Phreaker 0.1%
16 Trojan.PSW.Hooker 0.1%
17 Win32.FunLove 0.1%
18 Win32.HLLW.Bezilom 0.1%
19 JS.Trojan.Seeker
20 Macro.Word97.TheSecond 0.1%

Virus Top Twenty – February 2002

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