Windows malware


Use of DNS Tunneling for C&C Communications

Often, virus writers don’t even bother to run encryption or mask their communications. However, you do get the occasional off-the-wall approaches that don’t fall into either of the categories. Take, for instance, the case of a Trojan that Kaspersky Lab researchers discovered in mid-March and which establishes a DNS tunnel for communication with the C&C server.


New(ish) Mirai Spreader Poses New Risks

A cross-platform win32-based Mirai spreader and botnet is in the wild and previously discussed publicly. However, there is much information confused together, as if an entirely new IoT bot is spreading to and from Windows devices. This is not the case. Instead, an accurate assessment is that a previously active Windows botnet is spreading a Mirai bot variant.


Holiday 2016 financial cyberthreats overview

Last November we conducted a brief analysis of the threat landscape over the holiday period – from October to December in 2014 and 2015. And we made the following prognosis: the same holiday period in 2016 will see a spike in cyberattacks. Now that the holidays are over, it is time to find out how accurate that prediction was.


The evolution of Brazilian Malware

Cybercrime in Brazil has changed drastically in the last few years, as it shifted from simple keyloggers to tailored remote administration tools that can run a complete attack by using the victim machine. As we know, they are in touch with cybercriminals from Eastern Europe, mainly Russians.


“All your creds are belong to us”

Steam experiences steady growth in the number of active users registered on the platform. Security research has tragically ignored gaming malware in the mistaken assumption that nothing of any real value is traded there. This blind spot is being abused by cybercriminals to steal money and affect real damage.

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