Spam and Phishing


Big Brother

It seems that development of the main module of SpyEye stopped with last autumn’s version 1.3.48. But just because the authors are not developing this platform further, it doesn’t mean that SpyEye is no longer getting new functions. The core code allows anyone to create and attach their own plugins (DLL libraries). I recently spotted a new plugin for the first time – flashcamcontrol.dll. It turned out that it is used to control the webcam of an infected computer.


FAQ: Disabling the new Hlux/Kelihos Botnet

Q: What is the Hlux/Kelihos botnet?
A: Kelihos is Microsoft’s name for what Kaspersky calls Hlux. Hlux is a peer-to-peer botnet with an architecture similar to the one used for the Waledac botnet. It consists of layers of different kinds of nodes: controllers, routers and workers.


Where is my privacy?

When we upload something embarrassing about ourselves to, let’s say Facebook, that’s completely our fault. But there are other subtle ways to get information about us. Let’s say a few words about tracking.

Every time you visit a website you request HTML that will be rendered in your local browser. This code may include external references, so you will request them as well. Nothing to be afraid of so far.

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