APT reports

Gaza Cybergang – updated activity in 2017:

New targets, use of MS Access Macros and CVE 2017-0199, and possible mobile espionage

1. Summary information

The Gaza cybergang is an Arabic-language, politically-motivated cybercriminal group, operating since 2012 and actively targeting the MENA (Middle East North Africa) region. The Gaza cybergang’s attacks have never slowed down and its typical targets include government entities/embassies, oil and gas, media/press, activists, politicians, and diplomats.

One of the interesting new facts, uncovered in mid-2017, is its discovery inside an oil and gas organization in the MENA region, infiltrating systems and pilfering data, apparently for more than a year.

Another interesting finding is the use of the recently discovered CVE 2017-0199 vulnerability, and Microsoft Access files into which the download scripts were embedded to reduce the likelihood of their detection. Traces of mobile malware that started to appear from late April 2017, are also being investigated.

Recent targets for the group seem to be varied in nature; the attackers do not appear to be choosing targets selectively, but rather seeking different kinds of MENA intelligence.

Some of the interesting new updates about the Gaza cybergang:

  • Gaza cybergang attackers have continued their interest in government entities in MENA
  • New targets identified include oil and gas in MENA
  • New tools and techniques include
    • Abuse of the CVE 2017-0199 vulnerability
    • Usage of macros inside Microsoft Access files, enabling lower detection rates
    • Possible Android mobile malware being used by attackers

Previous published research:

Kaspersky Lab products and services successfully detect and block Gaza cybergang attacks, detection names below:

  • HEUR:Exploit.MSOffice.Generic
  • HEUR:Trojan.Win32.Cometer.gen
  • HEUR:Trojan.Win32.Generic
  • Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Downeks
  • Trojan-Spy.MSIL.Downeks
  • Win32.Bublik
  • Win32.Agentb

More information about Gaza cybergang is available to customers of the Kaspersky Intelligence Reporting Service. Contact: intelreports@kaspersky.com

2. Technical details

Previously, Gaza cybergang attacks were surprisingly successful in using simple and common tools to achieve their goals. They relied on a variety of Remote Access Trojans (RATs) to perform their activities, including Downeks, Qasar, Cobaltstrike…

As recently as June 2017, however, the attackers started using the CVE 2017-0199 vulnerability which enables direct code execution from a Microsoft office document on non-patched victim systems (Cobaltstrike payload in this case). Another finding is a possible Android Trojan that the attackers positioned on one of their command servers in April 2017.

In most cases, malware is sent by email as a compressed attachment or download links. Starting from March 2017, we have observed downloaders or Microsoft office documents with embedded macros being sent to victims. When opened, the downloader would contact a URL or IP address to retrieve the actual payload. Once successfully executed, the malware grants full access to the attackers, providing them with the ability to collect files, keystrokes and screenshots from victims’ devices. If the initial downloaded malware was detected by the victim, the downloader would attempt to retrieve other malware files to the victim’s device, in the hope that one of those files would work.

The full list of indicators of compromise (IOCs) can be found in Appendix I. The list of the most interesting lure content, malware files and related droppers, and command servers can be found in Appendix II.

3. Summary of recent campaigns

Below can be found the list of recent findings related to Gaza cybergang operations:

Command and control server Hash First seen File name/Social engineering lure
upgrade.newshelpyou[.]com 552796e71f7ff304f91b39f5da46499b 25-07-2017 nvStView.exe
6fba58b9f9496cc52e78379de9f7f24e 23-03-2017 ??? ????.exe
(Translation: Special photos)
eb521caebcf03df561443194c37911a5 03-04-2017 ??? ????.exe
(Translation: Special photos)
moreoffer[.]life 66f144be4d4ef9c83bea528a4cd3baf3 27-05-2017 ????? ????? ??? ?????? ???????? ?? ?????? ????? ???????.exe
(Translation: A statement by the Emir of Qatar accusing the UAE of breaking the news agency)
3ff60c100b67697163291690e0c2c2b7 11-05-2017 MOM.InstallProxy.exe
b7390bc8c8a9a71a69ce4cc0c928153b 05-04-2017 ???? ??? ??????? ???? ????? ????????
(Translation: Learn about the woman wearing niqab which offended Saudi)
f43188accfb6923d62fe265d6d9c0940 21-03-2017 Gcc-Ksa-uae.exe
056d83c1c1b5f905d18b3c5d58ff5342 16-03-2017 ?????? ????? ?????? ????? ???????.exe
(Translation: Correspondence regarding the meeting of Heads of Missions)
138.68.242[.]68 87a67371770fda4c2650564cbb00934d 20-06-2017 hamas.doc
???? ????? ???? ????? ??? ????????.doc (Translation: the points of agreement between Hamas and the reformist Fateh movement)
???? ?????? ?????? ??? ??????.doc (Translation: minutes of the tonight meeting)
???? ?? ???? ???????? ??? ???????? ???????.doc (Translation: An advance on salary or full salary for employees next Tuesday?)
lol.mynetav[.]org 4f3b1a2088e473c7d2373849deb4536f 20-06-2017 Notepad.exe
signup.updatesforme[.]club 7d3426d8eb70e4486e803afb3eeac14f 04-05-2017 Palestinian Retirement Authority Ramallah.exe
0ee4757ab9040a95e035a667457e4bc6 27-04-2017 27-4-2017 Fateh Gaza plo.exe
ping.topsite[.]life b68fcf8feb35a00362758fc0f92f7c2e 19-03-2017 Downloaded by Macro in MDB files:
7bef124131ffc2ef3db349b980e52847 13-03-2017 ???? ??????? ???? -???? ???? ?????? ??????? .exe
(Translation: Brother Ismail Haniyeh – Deputy Head of the Political Bureau)
d87c872869023911494305ef4acbd966 19-03-2017 Downloaded by Macro in MDB files: http://download.data-server.cloudns[.]club/wordindexer.exe
a3de096598e3c9c8f3ab194edc4caa76 12-04-2017 viewimages.exe
c078743eac33df15af2d9a4f24159500 28-03-2017 viewimages.exe
70d03e34cadb0f1e1bc6f4bf8486e4e8 30-03-2017 download-file.duckdns[.]org/send/Egyptian_agreement_with_President_Mahmoud_Abbas.exe
67f48fd24bae3e63b29edccc524f4096 17-04-2017 http://alasra-paper.duckdns[.]org/send/?????_???_?????? ???????_?????_?? ????_???.rar
(Message from President Abu Mazen to Hamas in Gaza Strip)
7b536c348a21c309605fa2cd2860a41d 17-04-2017 http://alasra-paper.duckdns[.]org/send/????_??????_???????_???_??????? .rar
(Translation: captives paper submitted to stop the strike)
alasra-paper.duckdns[.]org Mobile malware N/A 23-04-2017 Possible Android malware. http://alasra-paper.duckdns[.]org/send/%D9%88%ket-Edition-1.04_ApkHouse.com/Dont-Starve-Pocket-Edition-1.04_ApkHouse.com.apk
hamas-wathaq.duckdns[.]org cf9d89061917e9f48481db80e674f0e9 16-04-2017 ????? ???? ???? ??? ?? ??? ???? ????? ??? .exe
(Translation: Documents published for the first time on Hamas ruling of Gaza Strip)
manual.newphoneapp[.]com 86a89693a273d6962825cf1846c3b6ce 02-02-2017 SQLiteDatabaseBrowserPortable.exe
3f67231f30fa742138e713085e1279a6 02-02-2017 SQLiteDatabaseBrowserPortable.exe

The above listed files are further described in Appendix 1.

4. New findings

Gaza Cybergang attackers have been continuously evolving their skills on different levels, using new methods and techniques to deliver malware, in addition to adapting social engineering decoys to regional political and humanitarian incidents.

In mid-2017, the attackers were discovered inside an oil and gas organization in the MENA region, infiltrating systems and pilfering data, apparently for more than a year. The malware files that were found had been reported previously: https://securelist.com/gaza-cybergang-wheres-your-ir-team/72283/

While traces of Android mobile malware have been spotted, attackers have continuously used the Downeks downloader and the Quasar or Cobaltstrike RATs to target Windows devices, enabling them to obtain remote access spying and data exfiltration abilities. This is now achieved more efficiently using the CVE 2017-0199 vulnerability which enables direct code execution abilities from a Microsoft office document on non-patched victim Windows systems. The use of Microsoft Access database files has also enabled the attackers to maintain low levels of detection, as it’s not an uncommon method to deliver malware.

These developments have helped the attackers continue their operations, targeting a variety of victims and organizations, sometimes even bypassing defences and persisting for prolonged periods.

4.1. The extended use of humanitarian and political causes in social engineering attacks

Attackers have continuously targeted victims and organizations in government entities/embassies, oil and gas, media/press, activists, politicians, and diplomats.

The Gaza cybergang relies increasingly on advanced and up-to-date social engineering techniques with political and humanitarian aspects that directly reflect regional incidents. Here is a short list of incidents that were each used multiple times:

  • Palestinian Government not paying salaries to Gaza employees
  • Palestinian prisoners’ hunger strike in Israeli jails
  • The political crisis in Qatar

Recent targets for the group seem to be varied in nature, the attackers do not appear to be choosing targets selectively, but rather seeking any type of intelligence.

4.1.1. Example lure

MD5: 66f144be4d4ef9c83bea528a4cd3baf3

????? ????? ??? ?????? ???????? ?? ?????? ????? ???????.exe

(Translation: A statement by the Emir of Qatar accusing the UAE of breaking the news agency)

Attackers have recently used political events related to the Qatar political crisis in the Middle East in targeting their victims.

Original filename: Qatar-27-5-2017.rar

Extracts to 66f144be4d4ef9c83bea528a4cd3baf3

????? ????? ??? ?????? ???????? ?? ?????? ????? ???????.exe

Sha256 7fcac2f18a8844e4af9f923891cfb6f637a99195a457b6cdb916926d709c6a04

C2: moreoffer[.]life

First seen: 27 May 2017

Translation: new details on the hack of the Qatar News Agency

4.2. The use of Microsoft Access files with macros

Microsoft Access files with macro is another new development by the attacker group. MS Access database-embedded macros are proving to have very low detection rates.

MD5: 6d6f34f7cfcb64e44d67638a2f33d619

Filename: GAZA2017.mdb

C1: http://download.data-server.cloudns[.]club/GAZA2017.mdb

Downloads and executes:

  • data-server.cloudns[.]club/wordindexer.exe
  • data-server.cloudns[.]club/indexer.exe

Translation: database of employees not receiving salaries, click “enable content” to see data

Decrypted code

4.3. Exploitation of the CVE 2017-0199 vulnerability

MD5: 87a67371770fda4c2650564cbb00934d

First seen: 20-06-2017


  • doc
  • ???? ????? ???? ????? ??? ????????.doc (Translation: the points of agreement between Hamas and the reforment Fateh movement)
  • ???? ?????? ?????? ??? ??????.doc (Translation: minutes of the tonight Fateh meeting)
  • ???? ?? ???? ???????? ??? ???????? ???????.doc (Translation: An advance on salary or full salary for employees next Tuesday?)

The attacks are a typical exploitation of CVE-2017-0199, starting with an email that distributes a malicious RTF document. The vulnerability is in the code that handles Ole2Link embedded objects, which allows Microsoft Office Word to run remote files, downloaded in this case from 138.68.242[.]68. The downloaded payload is Cobaltstrike, which then connects to lol.mynetav[.]org to receive commands from the attackers. Additional details on the Gaza cybergang’s use of CVE 2017-0199 with Cobaltstrike, can be found here: http://bobao.360.cn/learning/detail/4193.html

4.4. Possible Android mobile malware

Traces of APK files have been seen on one of the attackers’ command centers, starting from 23-04-2017.

URL: http://alasra-paper.duckdns[.]org/send/%D9%88%ket-Edition-1.04_ApkHouse[.]com/Dont-Starve-Pocket-Edition-1.04_ApkHouse[.]com.apk

The file name (Dont-Starve-Pocket-Edition-1.04_ApkHouse[.]com.apk), is an Android application file hiding as a popular game. We believe the android Trojan could be related to a previously investigated Android Trojan around the Gaza strip: https://securelist.com/breaking-the-weakest-link-of-the-strongest-chain/77562/

5. Conclusion

The Gaza Cybergang has demonstrated a large number of attacks and advanced social engineering, in addition to active development of attacks, infrastructure and the utilization of new methods and techniques. Attackers are actively improving their toolkit in an effort to minimize their exposure to security products and services. Kaspersky Lab expects these types of attacks to intensify in the near term, both in terms of quality and quantity.

In order to protect your company from malware, Kaspersky Lab researchers recommend implementing the following measures:

  • Educate staff to be able to distinguish spear-phishing emails or a phishing link from legitimate emails and links
  • Use proven corporate grade security solution in combination with anti-targeted attacks solutions capable of catching attacks by analyzing network anomalies
  • Provide security staff with access to the latest threat intelligence data, which will arm them with helpful tools for targeted attacks prevention and discovery, such as indicators of compromise and YARA rules
  • Make sure enterprise grade patch management processes are well established and executed.

More information about Gaza cybergang is available to customers of Kaspersky Intelligence Reporting Service. Contact: intelreports@kaspersky.com

6. Appendix 1: malware files description and decoys

In the following, we list the description of malware files found from March 2017, including decoys used, first dates files seen, parent files…

6.1. b7390bc8c8a9a71a69ce4cc0c928153b

Parent file: 970e6188561d6c5811a8f99075888d5f 5-4-2017.zip

C2: moreoffer[.]life

First seen: 5 April 2017

Translation: Get to know the women wearing niqab and talking bad about the kingdom

6.2. f43188accfb6923d62fe265d6d9c0940

Filename: Gcc-Ksa-uae.exe

C2: moreoffer[.]life (185.11.146[.]68)

First Seen: 21 March 2017

Translation: the permanent delegation of the cooperation council for the Arab states of the Gulf (GCC) to the United Nation and other international organizations, Geneva

6.3. 056d83c1c1b5f905d18b3c5d58ff5342

?????? ????? ?????? ????? ???????.Filename: exe

Translation: Correspondence regarding the meeting of Heads of Missions (Saudi related)

Parent file: fb549e0c2fffd390ee7c4538ff30ac3e

C2: moreoffer[.]life

First Seen: 16 March 2017

Translation: The fourth foreign meeting of the Kingdom’s head of missions under the title “message of the embassador”.

6.4. 0ee4757ab9040a95e035a667457e4bc6

Filename: 27-4-2017 Fateh Gaza plo.exe

C2: signup.updatesforme[.]club

First seen 27 April 2017

Translation: Clarification report

6.5. 7bef124131ffc2ef3db349b980e52847

???? ??????? ???? -???? ???? ?????? ??????? .exe

(Translation: Brother Ismail Haniyah – Deputy Head of the Political Bureau)

C2: ping.topsite[.]life

First seen: 14 March 2017

Translation: Brother Ismail Haniyah – Deputy Head of the Political Bureau

6.6. 70d03e34cadb0f1e1bc6f4bf8486e4e8


C1: download-file.duckdns[.]org

C2: ping.topsite[.]life

First seen: 30 March 2017

Translation: methods to apply the palestinian national agreement pact.

6.7. 67f48fd24bae3e63b29edccc524f4096

C1: http://alasra-paper.duckdns[.]org/send/?????_???_?????? ???????_?????_?? ????_???.rar

C2: ping.topsite[.]life

RAR extracts to: 5d74487ea96301a933209de3d145105d

?????_???_??????? ???????_?????_?? ????_???.exe

First seen: 17 April 2017

Translation: a severely threatening message from Abbas’s delegation to Hamas

6.8. 7b536c348a21c309605fa2cd2860a41d

C1: http://alasra-paper.duckdns[.]org/send/????_??????_???????_???_??????? .rar

Extracts to: d973135041fd26afea926e51ce141198, named (RTLO technique):

???? ?????? ??????? ??? ??????? .exe

Translation: captives paper submitted to stop the strike


First seen: 17 April 2017

Translation: The primary demands of the captives in the strike of freedom and dignity

6.9. cf9d89061917e9f48481db80e674f0e9

????? ???? ???? ??? ?? ??? ???? ????? ??? .exe c11516cd8c797f0182d63cdf343d08ed

Translation: Documents published for the first time on Hamas ruling of Gaza Strip

C1: http://hamas-wathaq.duckdns[.]org/send/?????_????_????_???_??_???_????_?????_???.rar


First seen: 16 April 2017

Translation: Scandals and facts published for the first time on Hamas’s ruling of Gaza Strip

7. Appendix 2: List of IOCs

7.1. Malicious domain names


7.2. IP addresses


7.3. Hashes





Gaza Cybergang – updated activity in 2017:

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