
Fast is good

Like us, you might have seen a recent discussion about antivirus vendors response times.

Just like the vendors involved, we believe that speed of response to new threats and update frequency are vital.

That’s why we provide hourly updates. Day in, day out, regardless of whether a particular threat makes headlines. This ensures that our users have access to effective protection against the 200+ new threats which appear ever day.

Even though our response times weren’t included in the discussion mentioned above, we consistently deliver a fast response. And that’s what’s most important.

Fast is good

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BlindEagle flying high in Latin America

Kaspersky shares insights into the activity and TTPs of the BlindEagle APT, which targets organizations and individuals in Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, Panama and other Latin American countries.

APT trends report Q2 2024

The report features the most significant developments relating to APT groups in Q2 2024, including the new backdoor in Linux utility XZ, a new RAT called SalmonQT, and hacktivist activity.

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