Mobile threats


New FinSpy iOS and Android implants revealed ITW

Since 2011 Kaspersky has continuously monitored the development of FinSpy and the emergence of new versions in the wild. According to our telemetry, several dozen unique mobile devices have been infected over the past year, with recent activity recorded in Myanmar in June 2019.


Not-so-dear subscribers

Many people have had a run-in with subscriptions to mobile content providers. They appear out of the blue, and get discovered only when account funds run dry. We recently discovered several apps in Play Market directly related to such intrusive services.

Malware descriptions

BasBanke: Trend-setting Brazilian banking Trojan

BasBanke is a banking Trojan built to steal financial data such as credentials and bank card numbers, but not limited to this functionality. The propagation of this threat began during the 2018 Brazilian elections, registering over 10,000 installations to April 2019 from the official Google Play Store alone.

Malware descriptions

Roaming Mantis, part IV

One year has passed since we published the first blogpost about the Roaming Mantis campaign, and this February we detected new activity by the group. Here we follow up on our earlier reporting about the group with updates on their tools and tactics.


Beware of stalkerware

Spyware might sound like a concept from a Hollywood movie, yet commercial versions of such programs – known in the cybersecurity industry as ‘stalkerware’ – are a daily reality for many people. For the price of just a few dollars, consumer spyware programs allow users to spy on their current or former partners, and even strangers


Financial Cyberthreats in 2018

The presented report continues the series of Kaspersky Lab reports that provide an overview of how the financial threat landscape has evolved over the years. It covers the common phishing threats that users encounter, along with Windows-based and Android-based financial malware.

Malware reports

Mobile malware evolution 2018

Users of mobile devices in 2018 faced what could be the strongest cybercriminal onslaught ever seen. Over the course of the year, we observed both new mobile device infection techniques and a step-up in the use of tried-and-tested distribution schemes (for example, SMS spam).


APT trends report Q1 2024

The report features the most significant developments relating to APT groups in Q1 2024, including the new malware campaigns DuneQuixote and Durian, and hacktivist activity.

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