Financial threats


‘Locked Out’

In this article we look at the evolution of complication of the encryption schemes used by virus writers and the methods they adopt to put pressure on their victims. At the end of the article there is some advice for users which might help them protect important files.


The Enemy on your Phone

A modern smartphone is a full-blown working tool, an entertainment center and a tool to manage your personal finances. The more it can do, the more attractive it is to cybercriminals. The evidence for this is clear when we look at the rapid growth in the numbers of mobile Trojans.

APT reports

The Great Bank Robbery: the Carbanak APT

The main difference with other APT attacks is that Carbanak attackers do not see data but money as their primary target. Losses per bank range from $2.5 million to approximately $10 million. Carbanak is the most successful criminal cyber campaign we have ever seen.

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