APT (Targeted attacks)

APT reports

The Duqu 2.0 persistence module

We have described how Duqu 2.0 does not have a normal “persistence” mechanism. This can lead users to conclude that flushing out the malware is as simple as rebooting all the infected machines. In reality, things are a bit more complicated.

APT reports

The Naikon APT

The Naikon APT was one of the most active APTs in Asia. The attackers targeted mainly top-level government agencies and civil and military organizations in countries such as the Philippines, Malaysia, Cambodia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Singapore, Nepal, Thailand, Laos and China. For years they have mined victims, apparently in search of geo-political intelligence.

APT reports

The CozyDuke APT

CozyDuke (aka CozyBear, CozyCar or “Office Monkeys”) is a threat actor that became increasingly active in the 2nd half of 2014 and hit a variety of targets. The White House and Department of State are two of the most spectacular known victims.

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