Financial threats


Ransomware: two pieces of good news

Nowadays, cybercriminals have a thousand and one ways of creating and spreading ransomware. However, those fighting ransomware are not standing still either. In fact, we have two pieces of good news to share with you.


Criminals, ATMs and a cup of coffee

In spring 2019, we discovered a new ATM malware sample written in Java that was uploaded to a multiscanner service from Mexico and later from Colombia. After a brief analysis, it became clear that the malware, which we call ATMJaDi, can cash out ATMs.


Digital Doppelgangers

From the famous Cardingplanet forum to Darknet stolen card stores – financial cybercrime schemes were not dead at all during all these years. They have evolved and become more dangerous than ever.

Malware descriptions

BasBanke: Trend-setting Brazilian banking Trojan

BasBanke is a banking Trojan built to steal financial data such as credentials and bank card numbers, but not limited to this functionality. The propagation of this threat began during the 2018 Brazilian elections, registering over 10,000 installations to April 2019 from the official Google Play Store alone.

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