Windows Incident Response webinar. Live analysis with PowerShell

According to Kaspersky Incident Response Analyst report, an incident can exist undetected in the system for hours and days to months and even years – compromising your data all this time. This is why incident response skills are crucial for identifying the breach and stopping further damage.
In this webinar you will get onboard with experts Ayman Shaaban and Kai Schuricht from Kaspersky’s Global Emergency Response Team (GERT). They will go through the stages of the IR process and carry out live analysis of the traces of a real-life malware sample from an infected machine. If you want to kick off your career as an incident responder or level-up your IR skills, book your seat now.

Join the webinar for:

  • IR process stages in a nutshell
  • Live analysis with PowerShell (including practical session)
  • Questions and Answers

Ayman and Kai will also introduce you to their new Kaspersky training, Windows Incident Response – a comprehensive course designed to help you become a better IR expert or increase the skills of your in-house IR team.
This practice-focused course offers a detailed step-by-step investigation into the real REvil ransomware case. You will follow the course leaders to perfect incident detection, evidence acquisition, log file analysis, network analysis and creation of IoCs, and also get introduced to memory forensics. You will be working in a simulated virtual environment with all the necessary tools to practice IR.

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